Best Robot Vacuum

What makes a robot vacuum the best robot vacuum? Well, it depends on many factors. While they can all clean efficiently, not all robots share the same features. As such, you need to be wise and cautious when buying one.

The important factors to consider when buying a robot vacuum include maintenance requirements, auto-scheduling features, power requirements, battery charge, dust bin size, cleaning performance, size of your house or apartment, and lastly, the price you’re willing to spend.

Robot Vacuum Reviews

iRobot Roomba 650

The iRobot Roombo 650 makes use of the iAdapt Navigation tech. It got a 3-stage cleaning system – agitate, sweep and suction. All you need to do is schedule a clean-up and let it do its job.

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Anker RoboVac 10

This robot vacuum comes with a Drop-sensing technology. It can navigate different spaces easily and safely. The Anker RoboVac 10 is self-docking which means you can leave it running even while you’re away.

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ECOVACS Slim Cleaning Robot

With its slim frame, this robot vacuum from ECOVACS easily cleans under beds, couches and furniture. It cleans three different ways: sweeping, mopping and vacuuming all in a single pass.

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ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

The ILIFE A4 comes with a motorized low profile body and tangle free sensors. It can also clean different surfaces thoroughly—from laminate, tile, hardwood and even carpeted flooring.

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Haier Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

This robot vacuum from Haier comes with intelligent cleaning technology: capable of easily picking up dust and debris whilst avoiding any collision with the furnishings. It can also work wet or dry; mopping and sanitizing tiled floors as needed.

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Sadun R8 Robotic Vacuum

The Sadun R8 comes with multiple cleaning modes, including edge cleaning. It also automatically docks and recharges, making it convenient to use. It can work on different types of flooring and comes with drop-avoidance sensors.

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bObsweep PetHair Robotic Vacuum

Designed specifically for households with pets, this robotic vacuum from bObsweep can easily clean up pet hair and dander from any type of flooring. It can also remove any traces of paw prints while sterilizing the floor with UV.

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LG Hom-BOT Robotic Vacuum

Small yet efficient, this vacuum from LG comes with multiple mops to help sweep up any dirt and debris on your floor. Its powerful suction and floor mapping tech makes sure that everything gets trapped leaving your floor clean.

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Neato Botvac D80

The D80 from Neato features a LaserSmart mapping and navigation system which scans its surroundings, minimizing the risks of bumping into furniture and corners. It is designed for homes with pets.

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Dabot P1 Intelligent Robot Vacuum

The P1 from Dabot comes with infrared ray, remote control technology so you can change its settings while on the go. It also features light sensorsto detect drops and corners. It is auto-cleaning and with two brush attachments.

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How to Select the Best Robot Vacuum

Cleaning technology has advanced throughout the years. Nowadays, the features of robot vacuums are so advanced you can mostly rely on your robot vacuum to do your daily cleaning chores. Some considerations to choosing the best robot vacuum include:

Cleaning Power: Choose a device that can clean properly and efficiently. There are some models that offer cyclonic cleaning. However, while most robot vacuums out on the market can clean decently, they’re not as powerful.

Design: Design is a vital consideration. For thorough cleaning, choose vacuums having square corners or long tendril brushes to clean corners and skirt boards. Brush bars lift dust and pick up hairs better than suction vacuums.

Convenience: Consider how the robot vacuum should work for you. See if your chosen unit has a charging base to return to after cleaning. Check if it has a timer for you to pre-set cleaning time.

Cleaning Pattern: Determine how the vacuum cleans. Some move in a fairly random motion. Others utilize a camera to map the area and methodically vacuum in straight lines.

Maintenance: See if your robot vacuum has a dust container that requires emptying. If the container is bigger, you won’t constantly have to do the emptying job. You’ll also need to periodically remove hairs from the brush.

Advantages of Having a Robot Vacuum

Robot vacuums come with smart technology that allows them to efficiently clean. The tech also makes them safe and easy to use. Some other advantages include:

Efficiency: The vacuum reduces considerably how often you have to sweep, mop, or vacuum your floors. It can also clean on a set cleaning cycle if you’re not home. Modern vacuums are now more dependable.

Ease of Use: They work without supervision, any time of the day. This allows you to do other things. You can even pre-program them to clean on a certain time and day. Some models come with remote control guidance.

Time Saving: Due to simplicity and ease of programming, you can program the robot vacuum to clean where and when you desire. As you have done so, you can commit to your other activities.

Intelligent Technology: Various sensors and smart programming ensure the robot vacuum to clean thoroughly by mapping and navigating your area. They can detect stairs, barriers, or walls. Many units also return to their docking stations after use.

Compact Design: Most robot vacuums take up little space in your home. You won’t even notice them, especially if they’re docked in a quiet corner with power outlet access. As they’re small, they can easily clean under tables and beds.

Frequently Asked Questions about Robot Vacuums

How does the vacuum handle corners? Most vacuums cannot reach into corners because they can’t fit perfectly into such. However, some vacuum models can clean corners more efficiently than others. A ‘D’-shaped vacuum can hand the corner-cleaning job.

Can the vacuum clean under furniture? As long as your tables, chairs, and sofas are higher off the ground than your device, the vacuum can clean under the furniture.

What are some problems with robot vacuums? The sensors think of black carpet as a ledge. The vacuum will avoid them as it ‘thinks’ it’s going to fall. Also, with a robot vacuum, you’re not assured of perfect cleaning.

How does the vacuum look like? Robot vacuums come in oval, round, or square shapes. The top part contains the control panel. The cleaner’s front end has the sensors. Brushes are also visible under the device and on the side.

What are some included accessories? Robot vacuums come with various accessories, depending on the model. Some of them include: cleaning brushes, filters, cleaning cloths, rechargeable battery, remote control, charger, and charging base, among other accessories.

How does the vacuum travel? Integrated technology drives the vacuum’s movement and several cleaning modes. Sensors navigate around barriers and objects. The vacuums usually tend to clean an area more than once.

How to Maintain Your Robot Vacuum

Robot vacuums go about your house using in-built motherboards that help map and keep your floor plans. The sensors help determine an efficient cleaning path and prevent the device from ramming into objects.

Some vacuums have a HEPA filter to help eliminate aerial pathogens. After the robot vacuum needs charging or is done cleaning, it will flash or beep and go back to its docking station.

Clean Unit: For your device to last a long time, you have to regularly clean and maintain it. All models include a guide to help prolong usable life and minimize wear.

Empty Storage Bin: The vacuums are without bags and they have a plastic tub or bin that is used to store debris, dust, and dirt. Just empty the bin when it’s full. You can easily replace, clean, and remove it.

Change Filter: Change the cleaner’s filter ever 3-6 months. Also, empty the dust bin or tub after 3-4 cycles in order to keep maximum suctioning power.

Clean Brushes: Using a cleaning tool, regularly clean the main brushes under the robot vacuum and the side brush. This can prevent dirt accumulation and malfunctioning of the robot vacuum.

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