Tips For Cleaning Your Bathroom Sink

Have you ever attempted to learn how to clean a bathroom sink? Your bathroom needs some tender love and care to preserve its beauty. You will also need to pay extra attention to your toilet boil.

Whether you are using natural or chemical-based cleaning agents, it is important to choose products that are specifically formulated for the material your sink is made of. You should also use a soft sponge, microfiber cloth or non-abrasive scrubbing pad.

Wet The Entire Surface

Whether your bathroom sink is made of stainless or porcelain, you need to wet the sink’s entire surface with warm water. This is done before proceeding with the cleaning process.

Clean the sink by sprinkling baking soda onto the surface and using a sponge or soft cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaning products.

The baking soda is a cheaper substitute for harsh chemicals. It has the ability to get rid of bacteria effectively. Use it if you do not have cleaning solutions available at home.

Rub it until the baking soda and water form a paste. Baking soda leaves a beautiful shine because of its alkali nature, which is also known for removing soap scum, sticky hair and even stubborn stains.

Be sure to repeat the process regularly so you can prevent dirt, mold and mildew from building up. The mixture ensures that you keep your sink dirt-free.

Clean The Sink’s Surface

Once you are done cleaning the sink’s surface, proceed with cleaning the caulk seal around your sink, faucet. Do not forget to clean the rubber drain flaps’ underside using an old toothbrush.

These areas are prone to getting very dirty and should be checked every once in a while for dirt build up. They can be difficult to remove if left uncleaned.

You may end up replacing the faucet if you fail to clean it on a regular basis. This is because these are the places where dirt and mold love to hang out.

If the dirt is hard to remove, you can add more baking soda and rinse the entire sink with water, making sure that baking soda residue is completely removed.

Disinfect The Sink

Prepare 1 to 2 cups of white vinegar.  Place them into a small basin and dip 5 to 10 paper towels into it to disinfect your sink.

White vinegar is a popular kitchen staple, which is also known for removing stubborn dirt or stains. Use vinegar for keeping your sink germ-free.

The number of paper towels you will use for this procedure will also depend on the size of your sink. This is because you need to completely cover the entire surface with the saturated towels.

Let them sit for approximately 20 minutes. The presence of acid in the vinegar will help disinfect your sink’s surface.

Remove Bacteria Using A  Mixture of Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide

Aside from white vinegar, you can also use a 1-1 solution. The solution will consist of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water in place of vinegar and let the mixture set for 2 to 3 minutes.

The mixture is also an effective cleaning agent that removes germs that mild cleaning solutions have not tackled.Be sure to use sponge for the process.

When rinsing your sink, be sure to use warm water and dish soap.  This way,  you will remove any traces of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

This solution ensures that any unwanted bacteria and germs are thoroughly removed from your sink’s surface. You need to repeat steps whenever you deem necessary.

Use Mild Dish Soap For Copper Sinks

Aside from porcelain, your bathroom sinks may be made of other materials. Copper is another material used for bathroom sinks.

For copper bathroom sinks, you can use mild dish soap. Using chemical cleaners or any acidic products can damage the metal by breaking down the finish.

Mild dish soap with antibacterial properties are also the way to go. The process must also be repeated regularly for maintenance.

Mild dish soaps keep copper bathroom sinks clean. On the other hand,  the copper already has antibacterial qualities that keep common bacteria at bay.

These mild cleaning agents will leave your copper bathroom sink clean and shiny without damaging the material your sink is made of. It enables you to restore your sink to its best condition.

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